The love affair with Havana begins!
I arrived in Havana for the first time, and was greeted by 4 basically unknown smiling faces, waving to me as I went through the security doors at the airport. We all jumped into a bright green 1950’s taxi and so began the most amazingly intense week of my life!
Muraleando neighbourhood
In addition to helping the artists paint a large residential mural in the neighbourhood, I spent 6 days straight, conducting a free after-school workshop for about 16 children, on altered books. All of the materials used came with me and were provided thanks to the fundraising efforts of young students in Winnipeg. The workshop was conducted on a very hot rooftop but that certainly did not seem to bother any of the children who waited on the curb outside patiently each day after school, for me to call them up. I have never experienced children so eager and grateful for the opportunity to participate in an art class. The week left me in tears each night that I was there. I was physically and mentally exhausted from the intensity of the experience yet I knew almost immediately that I would be returning in the future. The people in this community welcomed me with open arms and hearts, and I only hope that I gave to them as much as I was given that week in Muraleando.
Ernesto and his altered book titled four season
Alejandro's altered book